18th September 2024

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Serving the people of Moulton, Northamptonshire

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Gold

Parish Council Services

Attenuation Basins or SuDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage System)

Moulton Parish Council own and maintain attenuation basins at Forester Road, Moorbridge Road, Morning Star Lane, Rose Tree Close and Sandy Hill Lane.

A formal Annual Safety Inspection is carried out by ROSPA on our attenuation basins within the parish.

Busby's Meadow and the Public Gardens both contain streams and these waterways are included in the Annual Safety Inspection.

water safety information

Buildings & Memorials

Moulton Parish Council operates both Moulton Community Centre and Moulton Village Hall. There are a combination of spaces available for hire by the general public or commercial organisations. They are managed directly by the community centre staff.

Moulton Parish Council owns the freehold of Moulton Football Club. This facility, including the pitches is leased to Moulton Football Club.

Moulton Parish Council owns the Memorial sited in the Public Gardens.


Moulton Parish Council organises many events throughout the year at Moulton Community Centre and Moulton Library. For more information see: Events | Moulton Parish Council (moultonnorthants-pc.gov.uk)

Neighbourhood Plan

Moulton Parish Council has a Neighbourhood Plan to help guide local planning decisions from 2014 to 2029. (Review due 2024)

For more information see: Neighbourhood Development Plan | Moulton Parish Council (moultonnorthants-pc.gov.uk)

Moulton Cemetery

Moulton Parish Council own, maintain and operate Moulton Cemetery. For more information please see:Moulton Cemetery | Moulton Parish Council (moultonnorthants-pc.gov.uk)

Parish Map

Play Equipment

Moulton Parish Council own and maintain play equipment at the following sites within the parish : Forester Road, Moorbridge Road, Morning Star Lane, Public Gardens Church Street, Reedings and Spinney Close. All our play equipment is inspected weekly by our Facilities Manager and The Play Inspection Company carries out a formal Annual Safety Inspection to ensure all our play equipment is safe to use.

Public Open Spaces

Moulton Parish Council owns and maintains Public Open Spaces at Busby's Meadow Pocket Park, Crowfields Common Local Nature Reserve, Forester Road, Moorbridge Road, Morning Star Lane, Public Gardens, Rose Tree Close, Sanders Drive, Reedings and Spinney Close.

Street Furniture and Lights

Moulton Parish Council owns and maintains:

  • One Speed Activated Sign that is moved around the parish in an effort to remind motorists of the speed limits whilst driving in Moulton.
  • 75 litter bins which are emptied by West Northamptonshire Council.
  • Noticeboards for local 'Moulton' use in the following locations:
    • Barlow Lane/Stocks Hill
    • Community Centre
    • Eynon Close/Boughton Road
    • Fuller Road/Northampton Lane North
    • Overstone Road/Ashley Lane
    • Public Gardens
  • Bus shelters in the following locations:
    • Stocks Hill
    • Overstone Road
    • The Grove
    • Boughton Road
  • Moulton Parish Council own six street lights in the following locations:
    • Barlow Lane x 2
    • Doves Lane
    • Manor Road Alleyway
    • Prince of Wales Row x2

Other Street Lights
Street lights on the public highway are owned and maintained by West Northamptonshire Council.

A full list of our assets can be found here:

Last updated: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 14:47