18th September 2024

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Serving the people of Moulton, Northamptonshire

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Gold

Moulton Scene

Moulton Parish Council uses the Moulton Scene Magazine to publish details of parish events and news.

Details of events and news are also available on our noticeboards at the following locations:

  • Moulton Community Centre, Sandy Hill Lane
  • The corner of Fuller Road and Northampton Lane North
  • The corner of Barlow Lane and Stocks Hill
  • Outside Eynon Close on the Boughton Road
  • The corner of Overstone Road and Ashley Lane
  • Public Gardens

We also advertise events and news via our various social media channels:

Moulton Community Managed Library https://facebook.com/MoultonLibraryHub/

EATatMCC: https://www.facebook.com/EATatMCC

Moulton Parish Council: https://www.facebook.com/parishcouncilmoulton/

Picture shows the front cover of the Moulton Scene newsletter

Download the latest edition of the Moulton Scene

Moulton Parish Council produces a community magazine called Moulton Scene. It is published twice a year (March and September).

You can also pick up a copy from various businesses within the parish.

All community groups/organisations are welcome to contribute and there is also advertising opportunities for local businesses.

Previous editions are listed below in the Archive, but for older copies please go to the 'Documents' section of this website and search 'Moulton Scene'.

Please contact admin@moultonnorthants-pc.gov.uk should you wish to contribute to the magazine.

Last updated: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 14:29