Wantage Farm School Land Consultation
Consultation letter from West Northamptonshire Council is attached
How can I have my say on the proposals?
West Northamptonshire Council is seeking your views on the proposal to provide land at Wantage Farm, Moulton, to the DfE to provide a new, secondary free school to meet the demand for secondary school places in Northampton.
Public consultation is taking place between 4 August 2021 and midnight on 3 September 2021.
All views submitted during this period of consultation will be given full consideration as part of the decision making process by WNC, ahead of a decision being made at WNC's Cabinet meeting scheduled for 14th September 2021.
You can give your views by completing our online questionnaire at https://westnorthants.citizenspace.com
Alternatively, you can submit your comments:
By email: SchoolAdmissionsConsultation.NCC@northnorthants.gov.uk
By post:
c/o Chris Wickens
School Place Planning & School Admissions
West Northamptonshire Council
One Angel Square
4 Angel Street
Posted: Thu, 5 Aug 2021