18th September 2024

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Search Moulton Parish Council

Serving the people of Moulton, Northamptonshire

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Gold

Support and Donate

Moulton Community Managed Library achieved Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) status in July 2021. Moulton Parish Council supports Moulton Library and Health and Wellbeing Hub and pays all the running costs. We offer a wide range of activities and events and continually expand our service delivery. We are able to attract some grant funding to support and expand our activities but we always need more! If you feel able to donate on a regular basis or a one off event please contact us. Further details below.

Please help! You can give one-off, regular or annual donations by standing order through your bank, building society or post office.

Our Bank Details

Bank Name: Barclays
Account name: Moulton Community CIO
Sort Code: 20-61-55
Account Number: 13881350

Ways of Donating

  • By Cheque: Please make cheques payable to Moulton Community CIO and write donation on the back. Please pop in an envelope addressed to Executive Officer, and hand it to our Library Health and Wellbeing Manager, pop through the Community Centre letterbox or by post to Moulton CIO, Sandy Hill, Reedings, Northampton, NN3 7AX
  • By Bacs: Pay directly into our account as per details above and use the reference: Donation.
  • Cash: Pop into the Library and hand it to our Library Health and Wellbeing Manager.
  • Gifts: If you have something that you feel would make a great raffle prize for one of our events, please contact our Library Health and Wellbeing Manager - please see our contact page.
  • Sponsor one of our events such as the Christmas Cracker or Community Lunch.
  • Donate in Memory: Make a donation in memory of a loved one and make a positive difference to Moulton.
  • Legacy Giving: Naturally your first priority is taking care of your family and loved ones but leaving a gift in your Will is also a wonderful way to provide for causes and places you love. And your gift is more than a donation: it is part of the legacy you'll leave to future generations in your local community. Free confidential information and advice regarding Wills can be found at Citizens Advice: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/family/death-and-wills/wills/.

Last updated: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 14:28